Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Starbucks: Memorial Day Weekend -"Double" Lattes

I thought I was seeing double when I reviewed my bank statement the Tuesday following Memorial Day weekend and found two charges from Starbucks for $3.66 on the same day. I rarely go to Starbucks so I knew for certain that I hadn't gone twice on the same day. I was out in Washington visiting a friend who had just had a baby, and on my way home decided to pick up a Caramel Frappaccino. Guess they decided to give my debit card a double shot rather than my latte.

To make matters more complicated, I had just switched banks the week prior so I was unfamiliar with how they process charges. I called my bank and explained my dilema to them and they informed me that I would need to come into the bank and sign an affidavit stating that I had not authorized this charge. All this for a mere $3.66! Now we're talking principal. I believe a lot of people would simply write it off for such a trivial amount but if everyone did that how much would that amount to? Well, apparently it amounted to over one million customers (multiply 1,000,000 x $3.66 = $3,660,000, but Starbucks is not disclosing the actual $ amount).

My bank straightened everything out, but until today I half blamed my bank, and wondered how it happened and was concerned whether it could happen again only for larger amounts, like at the grocery or department stores.

To further complicate matters, upon reviewing my bank statement online today, I discovered a new credit to my account for $3.66?! Which was what led me to discover the Starbucks debacle. I called my bank to alert them to the new credit in my account for the amount which was already credited, so now I need to give it back to Starbucks. Overall, if you were to add up all the time expended and variety of business and people involved in order to resolve this entire fiasco - I think Starbucks owes us all a "free latte day". I'll be waiting.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

What If I Died Last Monday

If I had died last Monday...

My favorite shirt I put in the dryer Sunday night would still be tumbling in the heat (my dryer timer is broken)

On Monday, my clothes would remain in piles unfolded on my bedroom floor

On Tuesday, I wouldn't have overslept and been late for work

On Wednesday, I wouldn't have read that email from my friend planning for our run on Thursday

On Thursday - I wouldn't have experienced the perfect storm that blew through Portland. . .

and, I wouldn't have laughed with my friend on the phone about having to cancel our run due to the storm that blew through Portland

and, I wouldn't have talked to my sister on the phone on my way home from work while sitting in traffic for an hour due to the storm that blew through Portland.

and, I wouldn't have reminisced with my dad on the phone on my way home from work while sitting in traffic for an hour in the storm about past Rose Festival parades and how I couldn't go to this year's, and saying maybe next year...

On Friday, I wouldn't have stayed up late preparing for the baby shower I was giving for a friend on Saturday...

And on Saturday, I wouldn't have heard the news that my childhood sister/friend had died on Monday.

And, I wouldn't be spending this moment really evaluating my life.

In memory of my friend Kelly Huddleston Johnson who lived her life in a way that brought joy and inspiration to others. You can watch some of her performances on You Tube, on the video bar below.