Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Brennan

Well, its finally come to pass - my baby boy - turning 15 and driving - all in the same day.

He has been so excited. Planning and studying and waiting. He has been wanting to drive since he was 10.

So today, we went to Starbucks in Lake Oswego, where he was serenaded by the baristas to the tune of "Happy Birthday" - Thanks guys! That started the day for him with flair.

Then off to the DMV to take the knowledge test. The title alone is intimidating, but add to it the pressure of all your friends back at school waiting for you to return, license in hand, you had better not fail! However, since the Wikipedia definition of knowledge is "the confident understanding of a subject, potentially with the ability to use it for a specific purpose", then it fits perfectly. And I know no one more confident than my son Brennan. If he lacks confidence about anything, he won't show it, and you will never know. Well it paid off today - he passed with 93%, which means he missed only 2 trick"All of the above" questions. If only I could get him as excited about his English and Biology at school.

So, now with permit in hand, we are off to drive around P-town and beyond. Anyone know where I could get one of those magnetic "Student Driver Aboard" signs? And something for my nerves - as I don't do well as a passenger - just ask my oldest son, Austin. So, here I go again for round 2. Being a proud parent comes with a price.

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