Friday, May 25, 2007

What Happens to Blogs When a Blogger Dies?

Alone with my random thoughts the other day, I wondered what will happen to my blog after I die. Aside from the obvious, that it would sit unattended collecting “webdust”, more precisely the question in my head was for just how long? 50, 60, or even 100 years? Just how long will the blogosphere be around? Will bloggers still be musing their thoughts online 50-100 years from now? If so, it would be quite possible that my blog will remain just as long, if not even longer.

Imagine, had the internet been around in the 1600’s, 1700’s or 1800’s, what collections of personal accounts we would have to link us to the past. Astounding! On a personal note, how cool would it be to read a journal posted by my great, great, great Grandmother? To discover what they thought about, and how they felt first hand about events going on in their time. My great grandchildren, may be able to do just that!

It is hard to imagine a world that continues on beyond our life span, or even that of our children, but we should when it comes to our blogs. The personal accounts of many generations before us remain lost in a past without photographs or recordings. However, today each and every moment can be captured in the moment, so that future generations will have an open window into our thoughts and emotions, to learn how we lived, felt and believed.

Food for thought: How many blogs out there right now already collecting webdust, because their blog author has deceased and we will never know.

I’ll try and blog right before I die, so you’ll know.

1 comment:

kenyan filmmaker said...

This thought hits me every now and then. Sometimes I go to blogs that have not been updated for a while and I wonder what happened to the blogger. Did they start a new blog? Did they get tired of blogging? Did they die?

I was looking at this blog, when this thought hit me again.

I have several blogs, some personal that I put up to help me reach a goal, some very prominent and I think I need to let other people in my family know the admin passwords just in case.