I feel so old, my grandma is 82 today. Wait, why would that make ME feel old? Oh, I don't know. I guess because I can remember when she was 55 (because thats the age she had braces put on her teeth), and I will be 55 someday in my future (okay - 20 yrs), which means that 82 is really not so far off, really.
With that being said, I am amazed by all that my grandma has experienced -- a full life -- and yet since my grandpa died 3 yrs ago, she is really beginning anew. She has this whole new chapter of her life beginning, that she is trying to figure out what exactly she should be doing. The entire concept of time perception in life amazes me. Everyone I talk to (myself included) is always focused on the future, i.e.: when this happens, I will do this. I will be happy when ... No one ever thinks about what if the best part of your life has already passed. That its already been the best its going to get. Is it possible to out-live your life? If so, what matters most from that life? My grandma, was married to my grandpa for 60 years, raised 3 daughters and watched them raise their children and even watched while her grandchildren raised their children. She and my grandpa lived their lives together for almost twice as long as I have walked this earth. They had each other. And now, at 82 my grandma is alone with only her memories and grandpa's voice on the answering machine to hold on to, and yet, she has so much life still in her, she could easily live another couple decades (more than half of my life!) She probably will too, since longevity runs in the family. So, she says she is lonely and wants a "man-friend". She amuzes me when we talk about that. She just really misses having the man's perspective around. Grandma always had more male friends than women. She tells me that she never got along well with other women, and she preferred hanging out with men. The reasons she gives for this are soooo true! Men don't gossip about you behind your back; men don't try and look better than you when you go out; men don't remember what color your hair was last week; they don't expect you to know what color their hair was last week; men don't care if your shoes don't match your purse; men will tell you you look great, and mean it; men will give you directions and not get upset if you still get lost; men will take you to dinner and let you talk about yourself; men will understand if you forget their birthday; men don't try and instantly solve your problems; men will check your car's engine, and do it without changing their clothes; men don't hold grudges forever; men will forget; men want you to look bettter than them; And, men will rub your feet without telling everyone you need a pedicure! Happy Birthday Grandma!
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