Thursday, May 24, 2007


If you can read this- well then I guess it wasn't lost like my last post somewhere in Blogger/Google "Autosave-land."

I came back after months of not blogging, only to find my blog replaced by an inferior "high-tech" product. Well, give me back my profile, NOW! And I want back what now I am claiming to have been my best blog ever - only to have it lost forever, from my heart to my draft box, then into oblivion! Gone, just like my patience is now.

Of course, what can be expected from a free service, right? If you have any questions, be sure and check the blogger help group first, then you can get looped through the circle of unanswered questions and not so very helpful answers.

Well, that's all for me - - Im going to find another place to blog!

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