Tuesday, April 19, 2005

First Job As a "Quiznos Cup"

Breaking news in my family: my 16 yr old son got his first job working at Quiznos in LO. Its a brand new store and they held their grand opening yesterday.

To top off the honors, my son graciously accepted his assignment for the opening day - - wearing the "Quiznos Cup" costume and standing along Kruse way at I-5 and demonstrating his loyalty and pride for his new job. However, apparently wearing a cup costume does come with some risk.

**The tales of a Cup on the road**

Give a 16 yr old the opportunity to stand anonymously on the side of the road with
a captive audience of over-stressed adults and a license to attract attention and you have a recipe for good times. Almost right away, standing and waiving lost its appeal, when my son spotted his chance for greatness - - a pedestian. The pedestrian walked by and with commuters watching, my son followed the pedestrian mimicking her walk and getting some laughs. She apparently noticed and looked back, and simultaneously my son, the giant cup, turned around to waive at cars, and when she began walking again, my son proceeded to follow her some more, stopping each time she looked back.

As you may also guess, a giant cup costume is not the easiest to manuever around in. Unfortunately, as my son was heading back to Quiznos, at the end of his shift, he forgot this fact and decided to take the short-cut up the hill. As a result, a dozen or more traffic-goers hilariously witnessed the sight of a giant Quiznos Cup rolling down the hill along Kruze Way. (If I had seen that, I would have peed my pants laughing). Apparently, some drivers did see this, as was evidenced by screeching tires and near rear-end collision that my son heard as he was being helped up off the sidewalk by his co-worker.

So, if you see a giant Quiznos Cup along the side of the road, with mud stains and a little squashed you'll know the reason why.

I'd like to know some of your "first" job stories?

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